The Earthling Environmental Ed Program
The Earthling program is built around the thoroughly unique* costumed “Earthling” character, as performed by its’ creator, Tom Paul Fox. Tom has developed an entertaining magic show, with environmentally themed tricks, perfect for assembly programs geared to youngsters Pre-K – Grade 3 in schools, libraries, and adaptable to “Meet & Greet” events. Following assembly programs The Earthling visits individual classrooms to talk to the kids and provide participating teachers with supporting activity sheets and program materials based on ways to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Restore. As one educator put it, “The Earthling is like the Santa Claus of Earth Day.” For more information and to book a program contact Tom.
Following each assembly The Earthling visits
individual classrooms to supply teachers with the
The Trouble In Trash Town picture book which tells
the story of how The Earthling came to be and how Trash Town solved its trash problem through
“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Restore” efforts.
*The character and design are copyright protected.